Last Modified: December 11, 2023

This privacy policy is provided by Proud Co. (referred to as "Team," "we," or "our").

We are committed to protecting your privacy. You can learn how we collect, use, and share your information when using our software and services from this privacy policy. We outline your rights and choices regarding your information. If you disagree with the terms and conditions of our privacy policy, you can stop using the software and services. We regularly review and update our privacy policy, and you can stay informed about our latest privacy policy.

Information We Collect
We collect various information, including personally identifiable information ("personal information"), in two ways. First, when you provide information to us, we directly collect the personal information you provide. Second, when you use our software and services, we collect certain information, possibly including personal information, through automated means.

1. Personal Information You Provide to Us
We collect personal information directly from you when you perform the following actions:
2. Send us emails or other communications;
3. Register for our accounts;
4. Participate in our surveys, contests;
5. Play our social games;
6. Participate in our prize draws.
The personal information you provide to us includes:
7. Contact information, including name, email, phone number, and address;
8. Login and account information, including a unique user ID and password;
9. Personal details, including date of birth.
10. Automated Information
When you visit our software, we also collect some information through automated means, some of which may be personal information ("automated information"), such as:
11. IP address of the device connected to the internet (may include your geographical location information);
12. Unique identifiers of your device;
13. Your browser features;
14. Features of your device;
15. Your operating system.
When you use software and services, we generate an anonymous internal user ID (which does not personally identify you) assigned to your use of the software and services ("user ID"), and it may be combined with any of the above information. Errors may occur during the data collection process, which may include information that can identify personal identities unintentionally collected through software and services. We will regularly review and update to promptly discover and delete unnecessary information unintentionally collected through software and services. We do not intend to collect identifiable personal information in areas not specified in the privacy policy, such as registration and user support.
We most commonly use your personal information in the following cases:
16. When you request or consent to us doing so;
17. When we need to fulfill a contract with you;
18. When it is necessary for our or a third party's legitimate interests (provided your basic rights do not override these interests);
19. When we need to comply with legal or regulatory obligations.
Sharing Personal Information with Third Parties
In the following situations, we may share information with third parties:
20. Legal requirements;
21. The team faces situations such as company mergers, acquisitions, or changes in control;
22. We may share your information with certain third-party companies, such as advertising platforms, and we will require these third parties to (i) ensure the security of data, (ii) never use data for purposes other than providing services, and (iii) use data only in accordance with the privacy policy.
Except in the above situations, without your prior consent, we will not share your personally identifiable information with third parties.
Information Security and Data Rights
We are committed to the security of your personal information. We use various security technologies and procedures to help prevent unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of your personal information. We retain your personal information for the time necessary, and under no circumstances do we collect personal information through our software and services. We will retain the information we collect in accordance with the provisions of this privacy policy to meet our business and/or operational purposes or comply with legal requirements. We have implemented industry-standard procedures to protect your information and restricted access to your information on servers, which are encrypted.
However, as the internet is not a 100% secure environment, we cannot guarantee that the information you transmit to us is 100% secure. After uninstalling our software or discontinuing the use of our services, we will delete all your data within three months. If you click on clear data through internal software, we will immediately delete the data stored locally and delete all your data on the server within one month. GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
We comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). If you are a European user, you have some rights (limited exceptions): (i) to request access, correction, or deletion of your personal information; (ii) to request restriction of the processing of your personal information or object to the processing of your personal information; and (iii) to request a copy of your personal information in digital format to be provided to you or a third party. You also have the right to complain to the local data protection authorities in the European Economic Area about the processing of your personal information. If you wish to exercise these rights, please contact us by email:
If you are located in the European Economic Area, your personal information collected through software and services will be transferred to recipients located outside the European Economic Area who do not provide a level of protection similar to or sufficient to that of European Economic Area countries. You hereby explicitly consent to the transfer of your personal information to these recipients as described in this privacy policy.
PIPEDA (Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act) We comply with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). If you are a Canadian user, you have some rights (limited exceptions):
23. Requesting organizations to explain why they collect, use, or disclose their
personally identifiable information (PII);
24. Expecting organizations to collect, use, or disclose personal data only in a reasonable and appropriate manner;
25. Expecting organizations not to use the collected information for any purpose other than those for which they have obtained consent;
26. Knowing who in the organization is responsible for protecting their personal information;
27. Expecting organizations to protect their personal information by taking appropriate security measures (such as automated vendor risk scoring);
28. Expecting organizations to maintain the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of personal information;
29. Obtaining access to their personal information and requesting corrections when necessary;
30. If they believe their privacy rights are not respected, filing complaints about how organizations handle their personal information.
If you wish to exercise these rights, please contact us by email:
COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act)
We comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). We do not knowingly allow anyone under the age of 18 to use this website, and we do not knowingly collect, use, or disclose personal information from anyone under the age of 18. If we learn that we have unintentionally collected personal information from someone under the age of 18, we will make reasonable efforts to delete that information from our records.
If you do not want us to use collected information to provide you with advertising, you can choose to opt-out of receiving such advertising.
Please note: (a) If you choose to opt-out, we may still collect some data about your online activities for operational purposes (such as fraud prevention) but not for the purpose of showing you ads; (b) If you use multiple browsers or devices, you may need to perform this opt-out on each browser or device; (c) The opt-out features of other advertising companies may differ from ours, and we have no control over the practices of any third parties. We make no representations or warranties about such opt-out services. These services are independent of us, and we have no control over their execution or performance.
Intellectual Property and Confidential Information
We highly value the protection of intellectual property. All content, images, designs, graphics, text, logos, buttons, interfaces, icons, audio and video clips, and the selection and arrangement of software and services are our exclusive property, protected by the Berne Convention, international copyright laws, and other applicable laws.
You agree to use software and services only for legal purposes. We may, without assuming responsibility to you, suspend or terminate access to all or any part of software and services without notice if we believe that your behavior violates any applicable laws or this privacy policy or is harmful to other users, third parties, sponsors, licensors, service providers, or merchants.
We do not want you to send us any confidential or proprietary information, whether by email or otherwise. Any information, materials, suggestions, ideas, or comments you send to us will be treated as non-confidential. By submitting such information to us, you grant us the absolute right to use, modify, copy, transmit, display, and distribute such information without paying you or providing other compensation. However, we will not use your name unless required by law to attribute material, information, suggestions, ideas, or opinions or until we obtain your permission. Questions
If you have any questions about your privacy or security or wish to update your personal information, please email